"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"
From all fruits - apple is the most popular one and people eating it the whole year around. Apples have different shapes, different taste, so everyone can find the one he will like.
Good qualities of apples:
1. Apples is a great dietitian product.
You can lose weight without harming your health because they are full of fiber which activates digesting process and help you to lose excess weight. Besides this apple does not contain fat, so you don't have to be scary of extra cholesterol you might get.
2. Apples rich in vitamins and minerals.
After eating an apple you feel a surge of vitality because apples contain the whole bunch of vitamins, minerals and pectin.
This is: Vitamins C, PP, B1, B2, A, E.
3. Apples have a beneficial effect on heart.
While we eat apples regularly it's strengthens blood vessels, normalize their fragility and permeability, reduced the risk of blood blocked by cholesterol plaques. 2 eaten apples can slow the oxidation of cholesterol and its deposition in the arteries of blood system.
4. Apples improve dental health.
It's very healthy to eat an apple on empty stomach, because of bactericidal pectin it contain. By munching a juicy apple pulp, we clear the unpleasant enamel plaque. At the same time by chewing piece of apple, we are massaging the gums, which improve blood circulation and also has beneficial effect on the mouth itself, leaving your smile beautiful.
5. Apples irreplaceable helper of intestine.
Those pectin and cellulose after getting into the intestines gather all of the toxic substances which normalizes digestion, improve overall condition of a person with colitis and mood in general.
6. If you "suffer" from anemia - apples is one of the best natural solution to increase your hemoglobin in the blood because they rich in iron.
Facts about apples:
- If you eat apple or 2 daily, you will be able to reduce cholesterol level in the blood on 16%
- When you cut a good quality apple and they become dark quickly, that is formed by so-called "rust"
- The more intense the "rust" the more iron in the fruit.
- Seeds of mature apple will have a bright brown color.
Benefits from apples at home:
- Absorption of excess salt. It's happen sometimes that you over-salted your dish. Toss into the pan a few slices of apple and after about 10 minutes take them out. Extra salt will stay on them=)
- Preparation of juicy roasted chicken. If your roasted chicken always coming out dry don't worry about this. Next time put one apple inside of the chicken and after it's done remove it. Enjoy of tasty, delicious and soft meat.
- Prolong freshness of your cake. Keep your cake with half of apple. By doing this you keep extra moisture which prolong cake fresh life=)
Unfortunately, there is not only the benefits of apples, but also it can be harmful on our health if not used properly.
- The fact that the apples along with some other fruits (apricot, avocado, bananas, blueberries, peaches) emit ethylene gas. This gas speeds up the ripening process, so the old saying "one bad apple spoils the whole basket" may be true. For example, if a vase with ripe apples stay close to a vase of flowers, the flowers may fade.
- Apples could be harmful for people with cardiovascular disease, gastritis or duodenal ulcer.
- Remember about the fact that apple factories in order to increase life of its product cover them with wax. These apples are glossy, with a sparkling shine, they are really stay long time "like new". But the wax and other components can increase the chance development of gastritis. Highly recommended to wash them with soap before eating in order to remove the wax and keep all valuable vitamins peel contain.
** Please remember! Always ask your doctor before applying this suggestion into your life.
Good qualities of apples:
1. Apples is a great dietitian product.
You can lose weight without harming your health because they are full of fiber which activates digesting process and help you to lose excess weight. Besides this apple does not contain fat, so you don't have to be scary of extra cholesterol you might get.
2. Apples rich in vitamins and minerals.
After eating an apple you feel a surge of vitality because apples contain the whole bunch of vitamins, minerals and pectin.
This is: Vitamins C, PP, B1, B2, A, E.
Minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, silicon, manganese, copper, zinc, nickel, molybdenum, and cobalt. They all improve our health, physical endurance, increase immunity and resistance to various seasonal diseases, normalize the blood and support your bones and teeth. These elements support the nervous system and brain, function of thyroid gland and have many other useful functions for our body by keeping a good health within it.
3. Apples have a beneficial effect on heart.
While we eat apples regularly it's strengthens blood vessels, normalize their fragility and permeability, reduced the risk of blood blocked by cholesterol plaques. 2 eaten apples can slow the oxidation of cholesterol and its deposition in the arteries of blood system.
4. Apples improve dental health.
It's very healthy to eat an apple on empty stomach, because of bactericidal pectin it contain. By munching a juicy apple pulp, we clear the unpleasant enamel plaque. At the same time by chewing piece of apple, we are massaging the gums, which improve blood circulation and also has beneficial effect on the mouth itself, leaving your smile beautiful.
5. Apples irreplaceable helper of intestine.
Those pectin and cellulose after getting into the intestines gather all of the toxic substances which normalizes digestion, improve overall condition of a person with colitis and mood in general.
6. If you "suffer" from anemia - apples is one of the best natural solution to increase your hemoglobin in the blood because they rich in iron.
Facts about apples:
- If you eat apple or 2 daily, you will be able to reduce cholesterol level in the blood on 16%
- When you cut a good quality apple and they become dark quickly, that is formed by so-called "rust"
- The more intense the "rust" the more iron in the fruit.
- Seeds of mature apple will have a bright brown color.
Benefits from apples at home:
- Absorption of excess salt. It's happen sometimes that you over-salted your dish. Toss into the pan a few slices of apple and after about 10 minutes take them out. Extra salt will stay on them=)
- Preparation of juicy roasted chicken. If your roasted chicken always coming out dry don't worry about this. Next time put one apple inside of the chicken and after it's done remove it. Enjoy of tasty, delicious and soft meat.
- Prolong freshness of your cake. Keep your cake with half of apple. By doing this you keep extra moisture which prolong cake fresh life=)
Unfortunately, there is not only the benefits of apples, but also it can be harmful on our health if not used properly.
- The fact that the apples along with some other fruits (apricot, avocado, bananas, blueberries, peaches) emit ethylene gas. This gas speeds up the ripening process, so the old saying "one bad apple spoils the whole basket" may be true. For example, if a vase with ripe apples stay close to a vase of flowers, the flowers may fade.
- Apples could be harmful for people with cardiovascular disease, gastritis or duodenal ulcer.
- Remember about the fact that apple factories in order to increase life of its product cover them with wax. These apples are glossy, with a sparkling shine, they are really stay long time "like new". But the wax and other components can increase the chance development of gastritis. Highly recommended to wash them with soap before eating in order to remove the wax and keep all valuable vitamins peel contain.
** Please remember! Always ask your doctor before applying this suggestion into your life.
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