Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Simple solution for sore throat.

 Winter is coming:) You can tell me: "Winter? When last time you've checked the weather?" I know, I know... In New York right now it seems like winter got lost somewhere on the way... But it doesn't mean that the rest of the world have the same picture:) And soon or later winter will be by us as well with its all side effects like snow, cold, fly and of course a soar throat..  That's the topic of my post for today:) 
  If you are the person who like everything natural (vs. pills and mixtures from pharmacy) you may like this simple recipe which will relieve you from soar throat and you can make it as simple as one-two-three:)

  We need:
Lemon - 2 
Fresh Grated Ginger - 1 tablespoon
A cup with the top

 Slice lemons, cover them with honey (I suggest to buy RAW honey since it isn't filtered, strained or heated above natural temperature (115 Fahrenheit) 
Add grated ginger. Mix. Close the cup and place into cooler. 

 It's ready when you'll see that the mixture have jelly consistency.
Take 1 spoon of it at the first sign of a cold with a warm water. It will soften the sore throat and boost you with vitamin C. 
Repeat 3 times a day. 

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