Friday, December 14, 2012

How to prepare presents...

   Every holiday season we need to prepare some gifts for our family and friends. It is a tradition and a way to show our appreciation and love. Sometimes it’s easy but sometimes it is not. If we think about it more deeply, we will understand why it is so.
   When we know a person very well, it’s easier for us to make a present. We know what he or she likes, what they do and how they spend their time. When we are really interested in people, we can find a way to ask about their preferences and favorite things without making it obvious that we are trying to get some ideas for gifts. We may receive hints from any conversations when people talk about things they love. We just need to be more attentive during the talk, which might as well become a habit of a person who is interested in others.
   It’s easy when folks have hobbies, we can prepare gifts according to them. But sometimes it is too obvious and a person with a certain hobby might receive similar presents from many different people.
   I had a good teacher when I was younger. My friend Luсy moved to the US and sent me gifts on every holiday. These presents always were exactly what I needed. I loved all of them and one day I just asked her how she does it. Her answer was pretty simple. She said that she didn’t buy gifts for me right before the holiday. Lucy thought about me for the whole year and if she saw something that reminded her of me, she bought it. Sometimes it took her a whole year  to collect gifts for me which she sent later at the right time.
   So, I learned this lesson from Luсy and it makes me think about my family and friends every single day. I am learning what they like and how they live and I just collect some stuff throughout a year. It makes gifts more meaningful. Through my gifts I want to show people that I think about them and want to make their life more colorful.
   Of course it’s not perfect all the time, my assumptions may be wrong sometimes, but at least one thing might be perfect for a person J.
   I suggest that you just try to do the same next year and I am sure you and the one who gets the present will feel the difference. 

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