Thursday, August 2, 2012

Draniki ;)

Today I would like to show you my favorite Belorussian dish.
I love them from the childhood. I cooked them for my friends and they love it too!
So, let's make Draniki!
We need:
5 middle size potatoes.
2 eggs.
1\2 onion.
We have to grate potatoes. Use biggest grater's side.
Grate the onion too, but use another side of grate, with small halls on it.
When potatoes and onion ready add 2 eggs and knead all together.
Now, everything is ready for frying! 
They are look great, aren't they?
We are ready to eat!
I like Draniki with butter, my husband like them with sour-cream.
You can try them with milk too or with anything what you like to.
Смачна есцi ;) (smachna esci) 
(what means "Good appetite!") 

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