Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Honey-cinamon fase mask

  "There are no ugly woman in the world, only lazy ones"
Coco Chanel

 It's very easy to create an excuse if you don't want to do something, our brain is master of them for any situation. "I'm too tired", "It's taking so much time", "I'm too busy..too young..too old", "It's too complicated", "This is my favorite show, I can't miss it" etc.. could be a long list of them..  
  You know what's the funny part?:) Some things don't really take so much time to do but have a great impact on our look. Like the mask from honey and cinnamon. Very simple to make, have just 2 ingredient which most likely you have at home. 

We need:

Honey - 3 tea spoon
Cinnamon - 1 tea spoon


Mix them well together (If honey is thick warm it up a little) and apply to your face for 15 minutes avoiding eye area. Rinse with warm water after and apply a cream.

Benefits of mask:
  Cinnamon and Honey full of antioxidants and micro/ macro elements which is very beneficial to our skin. When they combined it's double the effect.

 - Help to reduce acne spots.

 - Lighten dark dots.

 - Clean pores and removes dead skin because of its facial effect. 

 - Improves circulation of the blood.

 - Raises the skin tone.

 - Very good for combine or problem skin type. 

  Use 1-2 times a week top. As a spice, cinnamon can cause a burning sensation and allergic reaction on the skin. If you experience discomfort, intense burning or redness of the skin you should stop to use this product.
 People who have visible blood vessels on the face should not use this product since honey expand them more.

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