Saturday, November 17, 2012

Benefits of Quinoa on Health

 Everything in the world have its history behind, so do this nicely packed bag of Quinoa. It was the main food of the Incas more than 5000 years ago. They call it in no other way than "the mother of all grains" and "golden grain", which is not surprising, in fact, it was the basis of their diet along with potato and corn. Inca warriors ate quinoa with fat and believed that it would give them strength in the long battles.
  Emperor planted the first seeds of the season himself by using a golden tools. I guess that's a big deal if emperor himself make his hands dirty on the field. 
What is Quinoa?
 It is a unique powerful protein-rich mineral plant which grows in the harsh climate of high mountains in spite of dryness and high winds, and most important point is that it can withstand UV radiation of the sun with no harm.
It grows in energy-active zone of the Andes at an altitude of 500-4000 meters above sea level, which is pretty much unique I think:) 
  Only in the 60's of last century it was rediscovered in USA and Europe, where scientists have found very useful qualities of this grain. Let's look at them more close. 

100 grams of Quinoa contain:
Protein - 14,12 g
Water - 13,28 g
Fat - 6,07g
Ash - 2,38 g
Dietary fiber - 7g
Carbohydrates - 57,16 g
Calorie - 368 calories.

Vitamin A - 1 mg
Vitamin B1 - 0,36 mg
Vitamin B2 - 0,318 mg
Vitamin B3 (PP) - 1,52 mg
Vitamin B5 - 0,772 mg
Vitamin B6 - 0,487 mg
Vitamin B9 - 184 mcg
Vitamin C - 6,8 mg
Vitamin E - 2,44 mg
Choline - 70,2 mg 

 Micro and macro elements:
Iron - 4,57 mg
Potassium - 563 mg
Calcium - 47 mg
Magnesium - 197 mg
Manganese - 2,033 mg
Copper - 590 mcg
Phosphorus - 457 mg
Zinc - 3,1 mg

 I know it's look like you are reading the back side of Centrum vitamins but I decided to present it in this way ,rather than just write it in line, so you will most likely put your attention and see how much this little grain contain.

 Benefits of Quinoa on health:
 1. This magical grain contain 12-18% of easily digestible protein, far more than in any other. Just for comparison, rice contain only 7,5%. This protein is able to replace the meat which make it attractive to vegetarians. Solid vegetable protein is also needed for athletes, pregnant woman (but need to be careful, don't overeat), children and those who are forced to cut back on the number of animal proteins in the diet because of diseases (arthritis, allergies, diets and so on).

2. Lysin - the most important amino acid which help of calcium absorption, tissue healing and immunity strengthening. Especially children need it for bone strength and good growth. 

3. Quinoa contain a lot of Magnesium, iron, copper and phosphorus which is necessary for creation of serotonin in the body. 

4. Contain a high quality fiber, both soluble and insoluble, which make it necessary for diabetes, people with heart disease and hypertension.

5. Quinoa clean the body from toxins and cholesterol, thereby purifying it and restore its healthy functioning.

6. Regular consumption of Quinoa will reduce the sugar level in the blood and help to get rid of migraines and severe headaches as well as its calming effect on nervous system.

7. Don't contain gluten (it could be found in wheat, barley and rye, used as thickener and binder) which is very good for people who have allergy on this product or could be used in gluten-free diet.

 Side effects: 
There is not so much of them. You should apply it into your diet slowly or ask your doctor before, because Quinoa contain Oxaletes. Their accumulation in the body can cause problems with the kidney, up to the formation of the stones. So, if you have kidney decease - be careful!

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